Petraeus Supports Obama’s Decison on Afghanistan

Posted June 23rd, 2011 at 5:00 pm (UTC-5)
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The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, says he supports President Barack Obama's decision for withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan.

General Petraeus testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Thursday, one day after Mr. Obama announced plans to pull out 33,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan by September 2012.

The four-star general said Mr. Obama's decision was a “more aggressive formulation” than what he recommended to the president. But the general said it was understandable, as Mr. Obama had broader considerations to take into account.

The general was testifying at the hearing on his nomination to be the next head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Petraeus told the lawmakers he looks forward to working with the leaders of other intelligence agencies, as well as furthering the CIA's relationship with Congress. Petraeus said he was “keenly aware” of the need to maintain close ties with Capitol Hill.

The general said that if confirmed by the Senate, he will do everything possible to ensure the agency is “relentless” in its pursuit of the intelligence needed by national leaders, the military, diplomats and covert operators.

Petraeus would succeed Leon Panetta, who was confirmed this week as U.S. defense secretary. The general is expected to step down as commander in Afghanistan and retire from the military.

General Petraeus became the commander in Afghanistan a year ago. Before that, he headed the U.S. Central Command for nearly two years, overseeing a region including Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen.

Petraeus also commanded U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq, presiding over the 2007 surge in American troops. He is widely credited with turning around the Iraq war and pulling the country back from the brink of a full-fledged sectarian conflict.

He is expected to easily be confirmed by the full Senate.