Sweden Releases Rwandan Genocide Suspect

Posted July 28th, 2011 at 11:55 am (UTC-5)
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Sweden's high court has released from custody a man accused of taking part in Rwanda's 1994 genocide.

Sylvere Ahorugeze was arrested in 2008 while on a visit to Sweden.

In its ruling, the Supreme Court reversed an earlier decision to keep him in custody pending an extradition request from Rwanda.

The court said Ahorugeze has already spent too much time in jail. But the status of the extradition request was not immediately clear and Ahorugeze was expected to try to return to Denmark, where he lives.

The European Court of Human Rights has expressed concern about his possible extradition, citing questions about Rwanda's judiciary and human rights record.

Ahorugeze is suspected of being a leader of a group of Hutu extremists responsible for the killing of some 25 people. The Rwandan warrant charges him with genocide, conspiracy and transnational crime.

He has been quoted as denying any wrongdoing.