Cambodian Baby Surviving Floods on Raw Cow’s Milk

Posted October 31st, 2011 at 1:45 pm (UTC-5)
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A Cambodian toddler cut off from his parents by massive regional flooding is relying on direct nourishment from a cow, with his impoverished caretaker unable to afford milk powder.

The baby's struggle was first reported Monday by Chinese state television from Cambodia's Siem Reap province — part of a vast area ravaged by months of the worst flooding to hit Southeast Asia in half a century. It began after the parents set out to find work in neighboring Thailand, leaving their child in the care of a grandfather too poor to provide other nutrition.

Television footage Monday showed the 20-month old child sucking milk directly from a cow's udder, apparently after seeing calves doing the same.

The grandfather says the baby began the nursing routine two months ago and continues to drink raw milk despite the cow recently falling ill. The grandfather is shown saying he hopes his son and daughter-in-law can return home as soon as possible to provide a better life for their baby.