US Woman Pleads Guilty to Sending Money to al-Shabab Terrorists

Posted December 1st, 2011 at 6:25 pm (UTC-5)
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A woman in San Diego, California has pleaded guilty to providing money and support to al-Shabab — an Islamic terrorist group looking to topple the government in Somalia.

Nima Yusuf admitted in federal court Thursday that she sent about $1450 to four men who left the United States to fight for al-Shabab. One of the men allegedly recruited a suicide bomber who carried out a terrorist attack in 2008.

Yusuf also admitted lying to FBI and Homeland Security agents who questioned her about her Somalia-related activities.

Yusuf faces up to 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine when she is sentenced in February.

The four suspects who went to Somalia have also been charged by a federal court in Minnesota.