Superstorm Sandy Damage Tops $71 Billion

Posted November 26th, 2012 at 11:00 pm (UTC-5)
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Damage from superstorm Sandy that struck the U.S. East Coast last month will cost more than $71 billion in three northeastern states.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday that damage from the storm totaled $42 billion across his state. He said the tally includes the more than $32 billion needed for repairs and $9 billion for prevention expenses.

Cuomo said the state will request federal disaster aid.

Earlier, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the city suffered $19 billion in storm-related losses, which is part of the state estimate.

The October 29 hurricane wrecked havoc in the city, flooding homes and subway trains and downing power lines, leaving parts of the city in darkness for days.

Last week, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said the storm caused more than $24 billion in damages.

In Connecticut, Governor Dannel Malloy said there were more than $360 million in damages to his state's businesses, homes and public property.