Tech Giants Look to DNA for Data Storage; Zuckerberg’s Webcam Tape

Posted June 22nd, 2016 at 11:59 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings:

Inez Bullock slips a ''Floppy Disk'' into drive unit while her husband Ralph checks the program for their home computer on August 14, 1977. (AP)

Inez Bullock slips a ”Floppy Disk” into drive unit while her husband Ralph checks the program for their home computer on August 14, 1977. (AP)

The Future of Storage May Be in DNA

It used to be a big deal to have a hard drive with 20 or 40 megabytes of storage space. Now they can fit terabytes of data. But the sheer volume of space needed now and in the future to store all of humanities’ data will invariably require new thinking. Several tech giants are working to address that dilemma – and the solution might be in our DNA.

Global Internet Commission Urges Government Restraint on Online Privacy, Law Enforcement

A new report from the Global Internet Commission, which informs stakeholders interested in maintaining a healthy Internet, takes issue with online tracking, backdoors, opaque algorithms, attacks on critical infrastructure and turning companies into law enforcement agencies. The One Internet report favors strict control on the aggregation and sharing of personal data and backs net neutrality, open standards, and mandatory public reporting of data breaches.

Paranoid, Mark? Zuckerberg Puts Tape Over Webcam

There’s a lesson here. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg puts tape over his webcam and microphone jack to prevent any potential snooping or hacking. If you think this is paranoid, consider that the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) uses similar techniques to prevent snooping or thwart hackers looking to take remote control of their devices.


Aida Akl
Aida Akl is a journalist working on VOA's English Webdesk. She has written on a wide range of topics, although her more recent contributions have focused on technology. She has covered both domestic and international events since the mid-1980s as a VOA reporter and international broadcaster.

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