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Pain of Opioids

Posted May 11th, 2016 at 5:13 pm (UTC-4)
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Opioid addiction is now considered an epidemic in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control says the rate of overdose deaths involving opioids — prescribed painkillers and heroin — increased 200 percent between 2000 and 2014. 47,055 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2014. 61 percent involved opioids. Increasingly, the abuse of prescription opioids are seen as a gateway to heroin use.
The Congress is acting. The Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation to fight the epidemic in March. Tuesday, the House began passing a series of bills aimed at doing the same thing.
Pain is deeply personal issue. Is it physical or emotional? What’s your pain threshold? What medicine will work best?
The question now: is the cure killing more than just the pain?

Opiates of the Masses

Posted April 5th, 2016 at 1:24 pm (UTC-4)
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In contrast to a true public health approach, Obama’s policies do not address the [heroin] epidemic’s spread, do not target the source of the pathogens, and do not prevent new victims from succumbing to addiction. It is an agenda that will neither contain nor reverse the epidemic.