Nation Marks 67th D-Day Anniversary

Posted June 6th, 2011 at 3:30 pm (UTC-5)
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France and the United States are commemorating the 67th anniversary of D-Day, the allied invasion of Normandy in Nazi-occupied France during World War Two.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton marked the occasion Monday, saying it is a reminder of the solidarity between the United States and France in the past as well as in the present and future.

She spoke after talks at the State Department with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe.

The French minister will visit the World War Two Memorial in Washington, where he will lay a wreath and present France's highest award, the Legion of Honor, to three American veterans who took part in the D-Day invasion.

More than 150,000 U.S., Canadian and British Commonwealth troops landed on the beaches of northern France on June 6, 1944, to liberate Europe from the Nazis. Thousands of allied troops were killed, with thousands of others wounded. Minister Juppe said the people of France will never forget those who shed their blood on D-Day.

Commemorations were held elsewhere in the United States Monday, including at the National World War Two Museum in New Orleans and the National D-Day Memorial in Virginia. In France, the anniversary was marked with tours, lectures and moments of reflection at the Normandy beaches.