Obama Promotes Job Training to Spur Hiring

Posted June 11th, 2011 at 9:10 am (UTC-5)
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U.S. President Barack Obama says a new job training initiative will help thousands of people gain the necessary qualifications for manufacturing jobs.

In his weekly address Saturday, Mr. Obama said the government is partnering with colleges and the private sector so 500,000 community college students can acquire approved credentials for manufacturing.

Earlier this week at an appearance in Virginia, President Obama said the United States can “win the future” by rebuilding its manufacturing sector.

But in Saturday's address, he cautioned that the economic recovery is “going to take time.” He said the U.S. did not get into what he described as “this mess” overnight and will not get out of it overnight.

On Monday, Mr. Obama travels to North Carolina to meet with his Jobs Council on spurring job growth, especially among middle-class citizens hit hard by the downturn.

In the Republican weekly address, Representative Adam Kinzinger of the president's home state of Illinois accused Mr. Obama of “broken promises” on jobs.

Representative Kinzinger said his party is committed to reeling in government spending and reducing the country's debt to spur job growth.

Job growth slowed in May and the U.S. unemployment rate edged higher to 9.1 percent. The Labor Department said some of the jobs cut were in manufacturing.

Recent public opinion polls have shown widespread unhappiness with President Obama's economic policies. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found 59 percent of Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy.