Bangladesh Strike Enters 2nd Day

Posted June 13th, 2011 at 8:25 am (UTC-5)
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An anti-government strike in Bangladesh entered its second day Monday with some people setting vehicles ablaze to protest proposed changes to the constitution.

The two-day nationwide strike began Sunday, closing shops and businesses, and disrupting transportation throughout the capital, Dhaka.

The 36-hour work stoppage was called by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and its Islamic ally, Jamaat-e-Islami. They are protesting a proposed amendment to the nation's constitution that would repeal a provision for a neutral caretaker government to take over power for three months while elections are being held.

Opposition members say the ruling Awami League party, which proposed the change, is trying to cling to power.

Fresh clashes between protesters and police were reported in Bangladeshi cities on Monday. Thousands of riot police patrolled the streets of the capital.

Police said at least 123 demonstrators were arrested and imprisoned Sunday for damaging vehicles and other strike-related violence. At least two senior opposition officials were also detained.