Senegal’s Cabinet Proposes New VP Post

Posted June 17th, 2011 at 6:00 pm (UTC-5)
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Senegal's cabinet has proposed changing the country's constitution to create the position of vice president in time for elections next year.

The opposition says Friday's proposal appears to be a move to help 85-year-old President Abdoulaye Wade hold on to power while preparing for his son, Karim Wade, to succeed him.

The country's national assembly must first approve the proposal before it can take affect. If adopted, the vice president would carry on the presidency if the president dies while in office.

Some Senegalese constitutional lawyers contend that President Wade's second term expires in 2012 and he is thus constitutionally barred from running again.

But, supporters of the Senegalese leader insist Mr. Wade is entitled to seek another term because the new constitution was not in play when he was elected to his first term as president in 2000.