Libya Claims NATO Strikes Hospital

Posted July 25th, 2011 at 1:35 pm (UTC-5)
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The Libyan government has accused NATO of bombing a hospital during an air raid, killing seven people.

Libyan officials on Monday showed journalists a destroyed clinic in the town of Zlitan, east of the capital, Tripoli. The officials also took journalists to food warehouses in the town and said these buildings were damaged by airstrikes too.

NATO has not released any information on the alleged strikes. Residents of Zlitan said the attacks occurred early Monday.

On Sunday, the head of Libya's opposition movement said the country's embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi and his family may stay in Libya as long as they give up power, and rebel leaders determine where and under what conditions they remain.

Mustafa Abdel Jalil told The Wall Street Journal that Mr. Gadhafi's ability to stay in Libya “will have conditions.” He said opposition forces “will decide where he stays and who watches him,” and that the same restrictions will apply to his family.

Jalil's comments appeared to soften his position and echo recent statements by French, U.S. and Italian officials. The rebel leader made similar remarks earlier this month, but issued a quick denial after protests erupted in the opposition's eastern stronghold, Benghazi.

Also Sunday, Germany offered loans of up to $144 million to the rebels' Transitional National Council to help with humanitarian needs and rebuilding.

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said the loans will provide a way to help the rebel council build up “necessary structures” and overcome a shortage of supplies. He said Germany is granting the loans because Mr. Gadhafi's frozen assets cannot be released to the opposition at this time.

More than 30 nations announced their support for the Libyan opposition council at a meeting this month in Turkey.