Singapore Holds Presidential Election

Posted August 27th, 2011 at 12:40 am (UTC-5)
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Voters in Singapore went to the polls Saturday to elect a new president in an election seen as a referendum on the ruling People's Action Party – PAP -, which has led the city-state since 1959.

The presidency is largely a ceremonial position, but the election attracted four candidates.

Although the publication of pre-election survey results is banned, analysts say 71-year-old former deputy prime minister Tony Tan is seen as the favorite.

The other three candidates are former legislator and ex-PAP member Tan Cheng Bok, former insurance executive Tan Kin Lian and former corporate executive Tan Jee Say, who also worked in civil service.

Results are expected a few hours after polls close at 8 P.M.

Current President S.R. Nathan won two 6-year terms unopposed.