Indian police said Friday they have detained five people for questioning as they probe rival claims of responsibility for Wednesday’s bomb attack outside a New Delhi courthouse that killed 12 people. Police investigating an email claim of responsibility arrested the owner of an Internet cafe in Indian-controlled Kashmir, his brother, and an employee. Later, two […]
Indian Police Detain 5 in Court Bomb Investigation
US Investigates Potential 9/11 Anniversary Threat
U.S. counterterrorism officials are investigating what they call a credible but unconfirmed terror threat planned to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Authorities said Thursday they had discovered information suggesting the “credible threat” may focus on Washington or New York. Officials say they suspect three individuals, […]
Slight Losses on Japan’s Nikkei
Japanese markets closed lower Friday, while the U.S. dollar is virtually unchanged in trading against the Japanese yen. Tokyo’s Nikkei index lost over one-half of one percent to finish at 8,738. The dollar was selling at 77.50 yen, a loss of a fraction of a yen from Thursday. The Taipei market finished at 7,611, a […]
Erdogan: Turkish Warships Will Escort Aid Vessels to Gaza
Turkey says warships will accompany any of its vessels carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip to protect them from Israeli interference. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told al-Jazeera television Thursday that Turkey will continue its attempts to deliver aid to Gaza, but will not allow a repeat of last year’s Israeli raid on the […]
North Korean Leader and Son Appear at Anniversary Parade
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his heir apparent son, Kim Jong Un, appeared at a military parade Friday celebrating the 63rd anniversary of the communist nation’s founding. North Korean state television showed the elder Kim and his son on the reviewing stand witnessing thousands of troops march through Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung Square, […]
South American Nations Seek to Reduce UN Force in Haiti
South American countries that contributed troops to the United Nations mission in Haiti have agreed to ask the Security Council to reduce the number of troops deployed in the Caribbean country. Uruguayan Foreign Minister Luis Almagro says the foreign ministers of nine South American nations want troop levels reduced to the numbers in Haiti before […]
Power Outage Puts 5 Million in US, Mexico in the Dark
Officials are working to restore electricity in southern California, parts of Arizona and northern Mexico after a major power failure cut the lights for more than five million people. Authorities blame a transmission line in Arizona which automatically shut down two reactors at the San Onofre nuclear power plant near San Diego in California. They […]
Secular Activists Plan Friday Rally in Cairo
Thousands of Egyptian protesters are expected to fill Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Friday, yet again urging the country’s interim military leaders to institute quicker democratic reforms. The protest, known as the “Friday of Correcting the Path,” aims to put pressure on Egypt’s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to provide a concrete timeline for the […]
Noted Chinese Activist Convicted For Protest
A Chinese court has sentenced a longtime activist to nine months in prison for participating in a protest on behalf of a group of fellow dissidents. A district court in Beijing sentenced 55-year-old Wang Lihong on the charge of creating a disturbance outside a courthouse in the southern city Fuzhou in 2010, where three online […]
Power Outage Puts 2 Million in US, Mexico in the Dark
A major power failure has knocked out the electricity for more than two million people in southern California, parts of Arizona and northern Mexico. Officials blame a transmission line in Arizona which automatically shut down two reactors at the San Onofre nuclear power plant near San Diego in California. They are investigating the cause for […]