Former FIFA President Savages Current Top Official in Memoir

Posted September 12th, 2011 at 3:30 am (UTC-5)
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A former top world football executive is describing the current head of the sport's governing body as a spoiled child who behaves like a dictator.

Former FIFA vice president Chung Mong-joon makes the charges in a memoir published in his native South Korea last week. Chung lashes out at Sepp Blatter, accusing the FIFA president of trying to grab power from the organization's executive committee through a proposal to form an anti-corruption oversight panel.

Chung, who spent 16 years as FIFA vice president, says Blatter is intelligent and fluent in five languages, but he is “not an international gentleman.”

Blatter, who is Swiss, is expected to announce measures in late October for cleaning up FIFA in the wake of a bribery scandal.