Obama Vows to Continue Push on Jobs Bill

Posted September 16th, 2011 at 1:53 am (UTC-5)
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U.S. President Barack Obama says he intends to keep the pressure on lawmakers to pass his job creation plan, despite Republican criticism that it is a “poor substitute” for policies needed to boost job growth in the country.

Mr. Obama has been traveling across the country promoting his $447 billion American Jobs Act proposal. He says it will boost the struggling U.S. economy by helping small businesses and creating nearly 2 million jobs, as well as putting construction workers and teachers back to work. He told a group of supporters at a campaign fundraiser Thursday that House Republicans’ “natural instinct” is to resist cooperating with him on the measure.

But the president vowed to make the case to the American public that “it is possible for Washington to make a difference right now.”

Earlier Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner dismissed Mr. Obama’s plan during a speech before the Economic Club of Washington. Boehner said excessive regulation, government spending and the current tax code threaten job creation.

But despite widespread Republican opposition, Boehner said there are opportunities within the president’s proposal for common ground.

The White House released a statement in response to Boehner’s speech, saying Mr. Obama’s plan rebuilds the economy “the American way,” based on balance, fairness and ensuring “everyone from Wall Street to Main Street” follows the same set of rules.

Unemployment in the United States is hovering at about nine percent.

The White House says it will fully pay for the jobs package, stabilize the deficit and debt over 10 years, and go beyond the $1.5 trillion target of additional savings that a joint congressional committee must achieve.

President Obama will announce a long-term deficit and debt-reduction plan next week.