U.S. Apple Stores Close for Jobs Memorial

Posted October 19th, 2011 at 3:00 pm (UTC-5)
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Apple Stores were closed for several hours Wednesday across the United States, so Apple employees could watch the broadcast of a memorial service for founder Steve Jobs.

The ceremony took place Wednesday at an outdoor amphitheater at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California.

White curtains were hung over many store windows during the closure, preventing onlookers from peering inside.

While the general public was not allowed to view the ceremony, Apple has put up a “Remembering Steve” page on the Internet that contains more than a million emails sent to the company since Jobs died of pancreatic cancer October 5.

Jobs’ family and friends held a private burial for him on October 7. A larger memorial service was held Sunday at California’s Stanford University. Attendees included stars of Silicon Valley , the entertainment industry, and U.S. politics.