Indian Activist to Fast Against Corruption

Posted December 26th, 2011 at 10:30 am (UTC-5)
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Veteran Indian activist Anna Hazare plans to go ahead with a three-day hunger strike to protest the anti-corruption bill being debated in parliament.

The bill would create a nine-member oversight agency tasked with investigating and prosecuting politicians and civil servants suspected of graft. Hazare says it does not go far enough.

He says the bill is ineffective because it does not place India's top investigative agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation, under ombudsman review.

Hazare, who held a public 12-day fast in August to protest an initial draft of the legislation, plans to start a new fast Tuesday in Mumbai unless the parliament passes a stronger version of the bill before it ends its current session.

The 83-year-old Hindu nationalist blames the Congress-led government for growing corruption and said he wants to spread the message in India that “enough is enough,” and that people will not tolerate graft any longer.

India has a tradition of fasting for political ends. The tactic was famously used by Mahatma Gandhi against British colonial rule.