Romania to Reinstate Health Official After Protests

Posted January 17th, 2012 at 2:25 pm (UTC-5)
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Romania's prime minister says he will reinstate a health official whose resignation last week sparked violent anti-government protests across the country.

Prime Minister Emil Boc says Raed Arafat will return to his post at the Health Ministry and will be part of a team that is drafting a new health care law.

The move is seen as a step to defuse widespread public anger at the government over spending cuts and other austerity measures.

Thousands of Romanians have turned out in the capital, Bucharest, and other cities for the past five days to protest the austerity cuts, including a controversial health reform bill. Some people were hurt as protesters clashed with police. Many demonstrators are demanding the government resign.

The spending cuts are required as part of a multi-billion-dollar loan from the World Bank, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.