ICC Orders 4 Kenyans to Stand Trial

Posted January 23rd, 2012 at 10:05 am (UTC-5)
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The International Criminal Court has ordered four prominent Kenyans to stand trial on charges they helped organize deadly post-election violence four years ago.

The court ruled Monday that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with cases against Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, former education minister William Ruto, civil service chief Francis Muthaura, and radio broadcaster Joshua Arap Sang.

“As a result of the decisions issued today, Mr. Ruto, Mr. Sang, Mr. Muthaura and Mr. Kenyatta are committed to trial. They will be tried before a different chamber for the charges confirmed. To this end one or more trial chambers will be established by the presidency of the International Criminal Court.”

Critics accused incumbent President Mwai Kibaki of stealing the election from opposition leader Raila Odinga through fraud. The two leaders later agreed to form Kenya's current power-sharing government.

Kenya's next elections are scheduled to take place no later than March of next year.

In reading out the ICC's decision Monday, Judge Ekaterina Trendafilova said the court hopes that its actions will bring peace to Kenya and prevent any sort of hostility.