Xi’s US Visit Ends with Accord on American Films

Posted February 18th, 2012 at 2:25 pm (UTC-5)
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The Obama administration and U.S. film producers are hailing an agreement reached with China that will allow American-made movies increased access to the large Chinese market.

The agreement was announced Friday in Los Angeles on the last day of a four-day U.S. visit by Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who accompanied Xi to the southern California city, said the accord “will make it easier than ever for U.S. studios and independent filmmakers to reach the fast-growing Chinese audience.”

The head of the Motion Picture Association of America , former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd, estimates Chinese viewers will get to see 50 percent more American films. China has long imposed a quota system that allows the import of only 20 foreign films per year.

Xi has traveled on to Ireland, where on Saturday he began a three-day visit designed to produce a number of cooperation agreements.