North Korea Admits Rocket Launch Failure

Posted April 13th, 2012 at 5:55 am (UTC-5)
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North Korea defied international protests by launching a long-range rocket on Friday, but it appeared to fall apart and harmlessly crash into the sea shortly after blast off.

North Korea's official news agency acknowledged that the three-stage rocket failed to send what it says is a weather satellite into orbit. The brief report said scientists are looking into the cause of the failure, but provided few other details.

The U.S. Northern Command says initial indications show that the first stage of the rocket crashed into the Yellow Sea, 165 kilometers off the coast of South Korea. It said the remaining stages of the rocket also failed before falling into the water.

Japanese Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka says the rocket appears to have flown for about a minute, reaching 120 kilometers up in the air, before splitting apart.

“We have received information that there was some sort of object launched. It appears to have flown for over a minute and then fallen into the ocean. There has been absolutely no effect on our territory.''

South Korean defense officials say its navy vessels, as well as U.S., Russian and Chinese ships are currently in the region searching for debris from the fallen rocket.

The launch drew immediate condemnation from the United States and its allies, who view it as a disguised ballistic missile test barred under U.N. resolutions.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the launch “deplorable” and a “provocative action.”

South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan said Seoul will look to take unspecified “counter measures” against the launch, saying North Korea must take “full responsibility” for its actions.

“Our government is looking for efficient ways to respond to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, including extra provocations. Also, we will have close cooperation with related countries and the international community to take counter measures against the launch.”

Kim's office says he spoke with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday and pledged to take “resolute” action, agreeing to refer the issue to the United Nations.

In a statement issued shortly after the blast-off, a White House spokesman lashed out against what it called North Korea's “provocative” action, saying it threatens regional security and violates international law.

The Group of Eight leading industrialized nations also condemned the launch and urged North Korea not to conduct any further tests using ballistic missile technology. It also warned it would consider taking “appropriate actions.”

The U.N. Security Council meets later Friday to discuss the issue, but is unlikely to pass new sanctions against the isolated state.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that Moscow would not support new sanctions against Pyongyang, saying they would “not do anything to settle the situation.” China, North Korea's main ally, was more muted in its response to the launch, calling for restraint on all sides.

Meanwhile, military forces in South Korea and Japan remain on high alert for what they say could be more provocative actions by North Korea, which is currently in a month of celebration to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the country's founding leader. South Korea said the North's troops were placed on heightened vigilance.

U.S. officials have said that Pyongyang may be planning to follow the launch with what would be its third underground nuclear weapons test. Satellite intelligence photographs made available to VOA and other news organizations this week show evidence of preparations for such a test.

North Korea's launch plan has derailed a recent agreement with the U.S., under which Pyongyang agreed to suspend its nuclear weapons and missile programs. The U.S. was to have delivered 240,000 tons of badly needed food aid to the North.