Romney Announces Wisconsin’s Ryan as Running Mate

Posted August 11th, 2012 at 9:30 am (UTC-5)
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Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney says Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will be his vice presidential running mate.

Romney made the announcement Saturday before a throng of supporters aboard the retired battleship USS Wisconsin in Norfolk , Virginia.

Romney appeared with Ryan in Norfolk to kick off a four-day campaign bus tour.

The 42-year-old Ryan is a long-time congressman from the Wisconsin and has the backing of many influential conservatives. He now chairs the House Budget Committee and has been a vocal leader in cutting the deficit by slashing the U.S. budget.

Romney's announcement ends weeks of speculation on who his running mate would be. The most notable names mentioned included Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Ohio Senator Rob Portman, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.

McDonnell introduced Romney on the USS Wisconsin, before Romney announced Ryan as his running mate.

In the November general election Romney will face U.S. President Barack Obama, who is seeking a second term.