Netanyahu: Iran Guided by ‘Unbelievable Fanaticism’

Posted September 15th, 2012 at 11:35 pm (UTC-5)
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Iran's leaders are guided by “fanaticism” and the world must push harder to stop Tehran from getting nuclear weapons.

In an interview to air Sunday on the U.S. television show “Meet the Press” , Mr. Netanyahu disagreed with those who say going to war with Iran is worse than a nuclear-armed Iran.

The Obama administration has resisted Israeli calls to set a deadline for Iran to stop work on its nuclear program, which Israel and Western powers suspect is designed to produce atomic weapons.

Israel sees a nuclear armed Iran as a threat to its existence, and refuses to rule out military action against Iranian nuclear sites. Tehran insists its nuclear program is peaceful.

Obama administration officials repeatedly have said there is still time for diplomacy and economic sanctions to pressure Iran into stopping uranium enrichment.

In recent days, the administration has also said that setting deadlines would not be productive.

Mr. Netanyahu said Iran's leaders are guided by “unbelievable fanaticism.” He asked, “Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

The Israeli leader is in New York to urge that the United Nations take tougher action against Iran's nuclear program.