Aung San Suu Kyi Cites “Arab Spring” as Inspiration for Burmese

Posted June 28th, 2011 at 2:35 am (UTC-5)
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The British Broadcasting Corporation says Burmese democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi will compare the Arab Spring protests to developments in her own country in lectures to be aired on the British network beginning Tuesday.

The BBC says the two lectures were secretly filmed in Burma and smuggled to Britain, where they were played before a studio audience in London. The results are being broadcast June 28 and July 5.

The network says that in the first lecture, titled Liberty, Aung San Suu Kyi compares the self-immolation that sparked last December's revolution in Tunisia to the death of a Burmese student during a protest in 1988.

In a transcript of the lecture published by the Times of London newspaper, the Nobel laureate calls the Middle East uprisings an “inspiration” to her people and says, “We in Burma envy Egypt's quick and easy revolution.” The second lecture is titled Dissent.

According to the transcript, she also says, the universal human aspiration to be free has been brought home to the Burmese by the developments in the Middle East.

Aung San Suu Kyi was released in November after seven years of house arrest. Since then, she has been carefully testing how far she can go in criticizing the Burmese government without being arrested again.