Man in Afghan Police Uniform Kills NATO Soldier

Posted August 4th, 2011 at 8:45 am (UTC-5)
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NATO says a man wearing an Afghan police uniform has shot and killed one of its service members in eastern Afghanistan.

The international force did not provide details and said it was investigating Thursday's incident. It is unclear if the shooter was actually a police officer or just disguised as one.

The attack on the NATO soldier was the latest in a series of killings by members of Afghan security forces or those wearing Afghan police or military uniforms.

NATO says an another coalition service member was killed Thursday in an insurgent attack in the east.

More than 330 international troops have been killed in Afghanistan so far this year. Violence has increased as Afghans begin taking security control from U.S. and NATO-led forces. Most foreign combat troops are set to leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Also Thursday, a bomb attack in the country's north killed an Afghan intelligence official.

Authorities say the victim worked in the Kunduz city branch of Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security. Authorities say the blast destroyed the official's car. The explosion also wounded three children.

The attack comes two days after suicide bombers attacked a compound that houses private security companies in Kunduz, killing at least four Afghan security guards.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for that attack, the first major strike by insurgents in Afghanistan since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.