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21 Top Mexican Prosecutors Abruptly Quit

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 12:40 pm (UTC-5)
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The top prosecutors in 21 of Mexico’s 31 states and the federal district have abruptly quit. There was no immediate explanation Tuesday whether the federal prosecutors are leaving on their own or were forced out. But their departure comes on top of a widespread purge of Mexican prosecutors instituted by Attorney General Marisela Morales at […]

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Muslim Americans’ Optimism Growing

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 12:35 pm (UTC-5)
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A survey by the Gallup polling organization indicates Muslim Americans feel more optimistic than in recent years, but are more critical of U.S. foreign policy. A Dubai-based branch of the Gallup polling centers released results of a two-year survey on Tuesday that showed some 60 percent of American Muslims say they are “thriving,” an increase […]

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US Senate Passes Debt Bill

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 12:35 pm (UTC-5)
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The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday to settle the political battle over the country’s growing debt, passing a bill that will cut spending and raise the nation’s borrowing limit. Senators approved the compromise measure, worked out by Republican leaders and President Barack Obama, less than 12 hours before the government ran out of money. President Barack […]

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Cuban National Assembly Meets

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 4:20 am (UTC-5)
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Cuban President Raul Castro discussed sweeping reforms when he addressed the National Assembly Monday in one of its twice-yearly sessions. Mr. Castro discussed possible migration reform. Officials said Cuba is considering the elimination of the “white card” – a form used for requesting permission to leave the island nation. The travel restrictions have been in […]

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Senate to Vote on US Debt Ceiling Bill Tuesday

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 3:55 am (UTC-5)
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The U.S. Senate will vote Tuesday on a compromise bill to cut government spending and raise the nation’s borrowing limit, bringing a likely end to weeks of fear over a potential American debt default. The Senate is expected to vote on the deal at noon local time, just 12 hours before the government says it […]

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Chavez Cancer Treatment Changes Appearance

Posted August 2nd, 2011 at 12:40 am (UTC-5)
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez appeared on national television Monday with a close-shaved head, a result of his battle with cancer. Mr. Chavez said he shaved his head after his hair began falling out as a result of chemotherapy treatment for an unspecified type of cancer. The Venezuelan president said his chemotherapy was going well, and […]

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US Senate Blocks Deal to End Partial FAA Shutdown

Posted August 1st, 2011 at 11:40 pm (UTC-5)
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The U.S. Senate has blocked a bipartisan deal to end the 10-day-old partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration. Congress’ failure to reach a compromise Monday means the stalemate will likely continue through August, as Congress is expected to begin its month-long recess Tuesday. The FAA has been partially shut down since July 22, after […]

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Suspect Arrested, Released in Argentina Tourist Murders

Posted August 1st, 2011 at 10:20 pm (UTC-5)
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Authorities in Argentina have arrested and released a suspect in connection with the shooting deaths last week of two young French women in northern Salta province. The investigating judge released the suspect due to lack of evidence. Investigators say the man was taken into custody early Monday. He was detained three days after the bodies […]

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Suspect Arrested in Argentina Tourist Murders

Posted August 1st, 2011 at 7:55 pm (UTC-5)
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Authorities in Argentina have arrested a suspect in connection with the shooting deaths last week of two young French women in northern Salta province. Investigators say the man, who was identified in the news media as 43-year-old Francisco Ariel Tejada, was taken into custody early Monday. He was detained three days after the bodies of […]

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Buenos Aires Mayor Wins Re-Election

Posted August 1st, 2011 at 3:25 pm (UTC-5)
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The mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina has been re-elected in a runoff, defeating the hand-picked candidate of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. With about 99 percent of the votes counted from Sunday’s election, Mayor Mauricio Macri had 64 percent. Macri is a businessman and former head of a football club. He ran against Senator Daniel […]

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