The film Argo was the surprise winner Sunday at the Golden Globes Awards Sunday in Hollywood. The film took home the best dramatic picture prize, and its director, Ben Affleck, won the best director award. Those top nods were widely favored to be won by either Lincoln or Zero Dark Thirty. However, Daniel Day Lewis […]
Lincoln, Argo, Life of Pi Major Contenders at Golden Globes
Steven Spielberg’s popular movie Lincoln, a portrait of the president who steered the United States through its civil war in the 19th century, and the Iranian hostage crisis drama Argo were favorites at Sunday’s Golden Globes Awards in Hollywood. Lincoln was nominated for seven awards, including Best Motion Picture, Best Actor for Daniel Day Lewis, […]
Lincoln, Argo, Life of Pi Major Contenders at Golden Globes
Steven Speilberg’s popular movie Lincoln, that portrays the 16th U.S. president, and the Iranian hostage crisis drama Argo are favorites at Sunday’s Golden Globes Awards in Hollywood. Lincoln enters the awards with seven nominations, including Best Motion Picture, Best Actor for Daniel Day Lewis, and Best Director for Spielberg. Argo has five nominations, also including […]
‘Lincoln’ Leads Golden Globe Award Film Nominations
The U.S. Civil War-era drama “Lincoln” led Hollywood’s annual Golden Globe awards Thursday with seven nominations, including best drama, best director for Steven Spielberg and acting honors for Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones. Tied for second place with five nominations each are Ben Affleck’s Iran hostage-crisis thriller “Argo” and Quentin Tarantino’s slavery-era […]
A Silent Film Wins Big at Golden Globes
Movie and television stars turned out in Los Angeles for the annual Golden Globes, a high-profile Hollywood award recognizing the year’s best achievements in film and television. The French silent film, The Artist, and the family drama, The Descendents, took home the top film prizes. The Artist won the most prizes with three wins – […]
Golden Globe Awards Underway in Hollywood
Movie and television stars have gathered in Los Angeles for the annual Golden Globes, a high-profile Hollywood award that recognizes the year’s best achievements in film and television. Comedian Ricky Gervais is hosting the gala event Sunday, which will be broadcast live in more than 160 countries. It is the third year hosting for the […]
Silent Movie ‘The Artist’ Leads Golden Globes Nominations
A French film that pays tribute to the silent movie era leads in nominations for the Golden Globes, a high-profile Hollywood award that recognizes the year’s best achievements in film and television. “The Artist,” a silent movie shot in black and white, received six nominations. They are Best Comedy or Musical, Best Actor for a […]