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“Leftover Women” Find Online Voice

Posted November 28th, 2011 at 10:40 pm (UTC+0)

In the west, the age of marriageability is far higher than in China. But in China, women who have reached their late 20s are considered “leftover.” “Leftover women” (剩女) is an often negative term indicating more mature Chinese women who are no longer on the marriage market. In China, marriage is seen as an act […]



China Wangre (中国网热) is a wide-ranging look at the latest digital news and trends from the world’s largest online population.

Beijing native Alice Liu follows what’s hot and how people in China are using mobile devices, traditional websites and social media to connect with each other and the rest of the world.

Fluent in Mandarin and English, Alice has written on technology issues in China for publications such as “The Guardian”, “The Huffington Post” and “”.

Wangre means “Net Hot” in Mandarin and was picked to convey our commitment to bring the latest developments from digital China.
