A Look At, Or Through, Google’s Latest
Technology and the Internet are all about innovation. Like a shark that must continually swim to pass water over its gills, if a tech company doesn’t innovate, it probably won’t last very long.
Most of the innovations are, frankly, yawns. Some are crazy brilliant, while many others are just crazy. It’s rare that a game changer like the iPhone comes along. And of course, there’s no way of telling if something’s going to be a hit until you give it time to flop.
On Tuesday, Google executives finally unveiled a long-discussed project they’re calling “Project Glass.” Still in its conceptual phase, Google has released a video demonstrating how their glasses might work, hopefully generating a little buzz as well.
In short, “Project Glass” is sort of a smart phone on steroids. The idea is that rather than have a separate device you have to look elsewhere to use, a special pair of wired glasses with a Google interface would allow you to do just about everything your smart phone does without ever having to look anywhere but straight ahead.
So what are people saying? VOA web editor Colin Lovett collected a variety of opinions on Storify, which you can read by clicking here.
So what do you think? Are Google Glasses a hit or a flop?
4 responses to “Google Glass Is A Gas”
This is just the beginning of Google’s consolidation into one company with Social holding the entire company together.
Maddogg – yes probably. And hasn’t it already started with Google’s new privacy policy? –db
All I ever wanted was a decoder ring and a wrist watch TV. But, I’ll go for Google Grasses any day. I can’t wait until they are mass produced – hurray up!
Ha! Looks like you’ll have a little wait, although Sergey Brin was just seen sporting a pair! -db