Is blockchain off the chain?

People are realizing that the technology behind Bitcoin digital currency could have much wider uses.

China is going soft

Instead of exerting ‘hard power’ — military might — Beijing is using ‘soft’ power on Americans.

Could computers help end hunger in Africa?

A new early warning system relies on massive amounts of diverse ‘big data’ to identify hunger risks faster than traditional methods.

Border clashes leave rotting produce stranded at Afghanistan-Pakistan crossing

Afghanistan sells a significant portion of its grapes and pomegranates to its neighbor, while Pakistan sends mangoes and vegetables in the opposite direction.

Too hungry to learn

A severe drought has left 6 million Somalis in need of food, including students too malnourished to remember what’s taught in class.

Snatched off the street

A dissident Azeri journalist who vanished in Georgia has turned up in custody in his native Azerbaijan.

Stanford students tackle real-world US national security challenges

Students look for solutions to problems provided by the Department of Defense and US military.

How this Yazidi woman outsmarted her Islamic State captors to avoid being raped

Shireen Jardo, 25, came to Washington to push for assistance for the traumatized Yazidi community.

Foreign companies want a piece of China’s modern ‘Silk Road’

‘One Belt, One Road’ trade route plan seems to offer major opportunities for Chinese companies, but not so much for outside firms.

For Turkey’s medical tourists, a hair-raising experience

Affordable prices make hair transplants a booming industry in Istanbul.