Scientists working with the world’s largest atom smasher say the mystery particle they found last summer was a Higgs boson, which is believed to give mass to everything in the universe.
However, while the physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) confirm the particle is a Higgs boson, it doesn’t appear to have all of the properties the theoretical Higgs boson is said to have.
“The preliminary results with the full 2012 data set are magnificent and to me it is clear that we are dealing with a Higgs boson though we still have a long way to go to know what kind of Higgs boson it is,” said Joe Incandela, a spokesperson for CMS, one of the two independent teams behind last year’s discovery.
The teams wound up analyzing two-and-a-half times more data than was available when they announced the particle’s discovery last year.
This week in Italy, both teams reported the new particle is looking more and more like a Higgs boson.
But the scientists still don’t know if the Higgs boson they found was the one predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics, or if it could possibly be the lightest of several bosons which have been predicted in theories that go beyond the Standard Model.
In order to answer that question, the teams say they’ll need more data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, as well as more time to study and analyze the existing data.
“The beautiful new results represent a huge effort by many dedicated people,” said Dave Charlton, a spokesperson for ATLAS, one of the research teams. “They point to the new particle having the spin-parity of a Higgs boson as in the Standard Model. We are now well started on the measurement program in the Higgs sector.”
The two research teams still need to determine the particle’s quantum properties as well as how it interacts with other particles.
The data the teams have been working with is generated by CERN’s collider, located along the border of France and Switzerland. The LHC first went online on September 10, 2008.
where was the higgs boson discovered?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? plz reply
The Large Hadron Collider facility at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Switzerland
I wish we would have finished the Super Conductor Super Collider here in Texas. I think they turned the large circular tunnel in the ground into a wine cellar or cheese warehouse. Was it expensive? Yes but think of the jobs and prestige we could have had if we had finished what we started.
why higgs boson called god particle
Hi check this website for the answer to your question
i get the same the idea! when i walk in to my room i have a room “full of dust” , although,
if i run across the room, the dust is pick up behind me , and so is the wife!
i thing if you know everything is Mater like a big magnet space i know if full of magnets
ho my where my wife ! the house will be the same if she know it not me making a miss,
but space as we fly though her !
good show pep pep !
But is it the Higgs? It sounds like they found a new particle but are they sure its the particle that gives mass to matter? I hope so..i also hope they havent jumped the gun in excitement.
P. Zoo
Dear Sirs
I’m glad to hear the news about the discovery of an elementary particle which should correspond with Higgs boson in the standard model or other theories, though it must be still long way to decide the theory of the model in which the boson exists.
I hope that journalism will cautiously publish such scientific news like this finding, since such news, which general people who are not specialists in physics can understand, must have a strong influence on their value to science.
Specialists know that a huge pile of papers on elementary particle physics has been written every day and almost all of them will have disappeared day by day.
Because Japanese physicists had contributed to the establish of the standard model, I hope that the answer for the open question` what kind of Higgs boson is it ?’ will be announced on the wabsite of VOA in the future.
I sincerely hope the next step will be succeed.
DOES ‘GOD PARTICLE’ EXPLAIN UNIVERSE’S ORIGIN? Just google the title to access this popular Internet article of mine.
The Higgs boson does not create mass from nothing. What it does is convert energy into mass. The universe had a beginning. It is not eternal because it does not have the ability to have sustained itself eternally. All scientists believe that the universe (time, mass, and space had a beginning from nothing).
Atheistic scientists believe that the beginning of the universe came from nothing by natural processes yet to be discovered. This contradicts fundamental laws of science. Read fully my Internet article.
Visit my newest Internet site: THE SCIENCE SUPPORTING CREATION
Babu G. Ranganathan*
(B.A. Bible/Biology)
*I have given successful lectures (with question and answer period afterwards) defending creation before evolutionist science faculty and students at various colleges and universities. I’ve been privileged to be recognized in the 24th edition of Marquis “Who’s Who in The East” for my writings on religion and science.