Quantum Mechanics Will Be Used to Determine Weight and Measurement Standards
What makes a kilogram a kilogram? Since the late 19th century the standard, which a kilogram has been measured, has been based on a chunk of platinum-alloy, called Le Grand K, that’s held at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures laboratory in Sèvres, France. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a kilogram was originally intended […]
Scientists: It’s New Era In Space Research
Members of the science community are proclaiming a new era in space research after discovering the first verified source of a super-energetic subatomic particle called a high-energy neutrino. Researchers from the Pennsylvania State University say that these neutrinos contain energies that are thousands to millions of times greater than those generated by particle colliders/accelerators such […]
How Will Our Sun Die?
Scientists say our Sun has been shining for about the last 4.6 billion years. They also say the Sun is expected to have enough hydrogen to fuel nuclear fusion in its core to allow it to continue shining as it has for about another 5 billion years. Along with creating solar energy, the Sun’s hydrogen […]
Discovered: Most Distant Star Seen (So Far)
The 2016 discovery of the most distant star ever seen – so far – has been outlined in a new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy. According to the study, the star, formally named 1) but nicknamed Icarus, is located about 9 billion light-years from Earth. This means light from the star started toward […]
Professor Stephen Hawking: 1942 – 2018
Stephen Hawking, the brilliant, respected and world-famous theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, died at his home in Cambridge, England on March 14, 2018, at age 76. Throughout his 50+ year career, Professor Hawking helped us better understand the origins and workings of our universe. According to a biography published on his website, www.hawking.org.uk, Stephen William Hawking was […]
May 2017 – Science Images
#1 Cause of Death; More Sleep=Less Pain?; Look Younger – Don’t Smile
Cardiovascular Disease #1 Cause of World’s Deaths A new 25 year global study suggests cardiovascular diseases is now the cause of one third of all deaths throughout the world. The study reports that in 2015 nearly 18 million people worldwide died from this family of illnesses, which includes heart attack, congestive heart failure, coronary artery […]
Dark Matter Imaged; Shoe-String Theory; Metal in Mars Atmosphere
Dark Matter Filaments of Cosmic Web Imaged Two Canadian researchers say that they have constructed a composite image of dark matter filaments that make up what cosmologists call the cosmic web. Scientists have been finding evidence that our universe may be anything but random and that everything is actually organized and connected to each other […]
Researchers Doubt the Existence of Dark Energy
According to NASA, the universe is composed of three things. About 4.6% of it is normal (visible) matter, 24% is dark matter and the remaining 71.4% is made up of dark energy. In other words, hypothetically speaking, around 95% of everything in the universe can’t even be seen. Now a Hungarian and American team of […]
Insight Into Planetary Evolution – Dark Matter Rare in Old Galaxies
Scientists Gain New Insight into Planetary Evolution Scientists recently gained new insight into the evolution of planet formation by creating and studying a model of a fairly young solar system 300 light years from Earth. The nearly 13 million year-old planetary system circles a star known as HD 106906. The system features a surrounding planet […]