No Worries – Scientists Say Earth’s Poles Won’t Flip for 4,000 Years
The Earth’s magnetic fields helps create a shield that protects us from the continuous onslaught of highly charged space particles and radiation, which are dangerous to creatures living on the Earth’s surface. Without these protective fields, scientists say that the solar wind also would simply blow away our atmosphere in way similar to what scientists suspect […]
Phobos May Shatter; Study: Poles Won’t Flip; Webb Space Telescope
Mars May Shatter its Largest Moon Scientists in California have found that the largest moon of Mars, Phobos, is slowly inching closer to Mars. They predict that once the gravity of Mars finally overpowers Phobos, in about 20 to 40 million years, the moon will probably be shredded to bits. The scientists from the University […]
NOAA Scientists Hope to Unlock Secrets of Nighttime Thunderstorms
Most thunderstorms get their incredible energy from the sun’s heat, but some of the storms gain their strength at night, baffling scientists. To learn how these storms intensify, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – NOAA plans to keep 20 of its scientists up late at night for a large intensive field operation in […]
Science Scanner – Big Asteroid Won’t Hit Us, Artificial Skin Detects Pressure, Link Found: ER Visits and Internet Searches
Huge Asteroid Won’t Hit Us After All The NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office says that we can all breathe easier now: Reports indicating that a gigantic asteroid is heading our way and would possibly impact the Earth are not true. The 400-meter wide ‘2014 UR116’ asteroid, found on October 27 at the MASTER-II observatory in […]
Scientists Move Closer to Predicting Volcanic Eruptions
Oregon scientists who correctly predicted the 2011 eruption of the Axial Seamount underwater volcano years before it occurred, now say another underwater volcano off the Oregon coast gave off signals just hours before it erupted. Underwater hydrophones showed a sudden increase in seismic energy about 2.6 hours before the eruption started about 400 kilometers off […]