Binge Watching TV Could Kill You
A new Japanese study finds that binge watching television could kill you. Binge watching, or viewing a number of movies or a television program’s episodes in one sitting, has become a popular pastime in parts of the world. This 18 year study, involving more than 86,000 people, revealed that those who sit and watch a […]
Stand Up and Move to Help Prevent Health Risks
Stop sitting around so much. If you value your health, get up and move around. Sedentary office workers who want to avert the onset of some chronic diseases and possibly premature death should get up on their feet for at least two hours every work day. That is the part of a new set of recommendations […]
Study: Not Keeping Physically Active Could Kill You
Are the technologies and comforts of modern society making us inactive and lazy? In a recent study published by the British medical journal, the “Lancet,” in 2008 physical inactivity led to the death of nearly 5.3 million people across the world – that’s one in every 10 deaths. It’s been reported that the problem of […]