High-Tech Meteorite Hunting
Scientists estimate that thousands of extraterrestrial rocks enter our atmosphere every year, most of which burn up or fragment into smaller pieces before hitting Earth. Here’s how the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA/JPL refer to various space objects. Asteroid: A relatively small, inactive, rocky body orbiting the Sun. Comet: A relatively small, […]
October 2017 Science Images
NASA Creates New Office to Protect Us from Asteroid and Comet Impact
NASA is taking the potential threat posed by near earth objects (NEO’s), such as asteroids and comets, more seriously than ever and has established the new Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO). The space agency says the new office will oversee all of its efforts in finding and characterizing all celestial objects that travel close to […]
Science Images of the Week
Science Images of the Week
Rare and Spectacular Meteor Shower May Light Up the Skies Over North and Central America
If you live in North or Central America, you just might have front row seats to a rare and spectacular meteor shower. Scientists said that the view might even better if you happen to be in the northwestern United States or in southern Canada NASA said the shower — dubbed the May Camelopardalids, which can […]
Astronauts Warn of Catastrophic Asteroid Strikes
Three former astronauts are sounding the alarm about the dangers our planet faces from asteroid impacts and how steps must be taken now to protect against a catastrophic asteroid strike. The three astronauts included Ed Lu, who flew into space aboard the space shuttle, as well as a Soyuz spacecraft, to and from the International Space […]
Scientists Strike ‘Scientific Gold’ in California
While in space and orbiting the sun this celestial body is an asteroid. It’s a meteor as its entering earth’s atmosphere, like a fireball flashing across the sky and a meteorite is the actual object that made it to Earth.