New Ebola Drugs Possible; New Weather Satellite; Bacteria or Virus?
Ebola Antibodies Could Lead to Effective Vaccines and Therapies According to the Centers for Disease Control, the 2014 West African Ebola Epidemic killed 11,316 people with about 28,638 suspected, probable, and confirmed cases of the deadly disease. The worst outbreak of Ebola in history prompted researchers from around the world to work on developing ways […]
NOAA Scientists Hope to Unlock Secrets of Nighttime Thunderstorms
Most thunderstorms get their incredible energy from the sun’s heat, but some of the storms gain their strength at night, baffling scientists. To learn how these storms intensify, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – NOAA plans to keep 20 of its scientists up late at night for a large intensive field operation in […]