Maintain 5 Healthy Habits and Live Longer
According to a 2016 report from the World Health Organization (WHO), life expectancy globally is 71.4 years. That’s 73.8 years for females, and 69.1 years for males. A new study of Americans led by Harvard University has found that more than an additional decade could be tacked onto their life expectancy if they kept five […]
Don’t Smoke; Space Blob Mystery; Near Earth Asteroid Watch
Yet Another Reason Not to Smoke The American Heart Association released a new study that uncovers yet another reason not to smoke. The study, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, suggests that smoking can have a wide-ranging and long-term effect on our DNA. The research shows that smoking leaves a “footprint” on the human […]
Alien Invasion Unlikely; Love Rooted in Evolution; Smokers Risk Losing Teeth
Dutch Scientist assures that An Alien Invasion is Unlikely Should we be fearful of an invasion by Aliens? Probably not any time soon, according to researchers involved in scanning the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life. Professor Michael Garrett, from the University of Leiden and the General and Scientific Director of the Netherlands Institute for […]
Science Scanner: Stars Younger than Thought, E-Cigarettes Not Really a Healthier Alternative, Red Grapes Help Burn Fat
Stars Are Younger than Thought A preliminary analysis of data gathered by the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Planck mission has shown that the first stars of our universe are younger than first thought. Scientists said data gathered by the Planck mission between 2009 and 2013 shows that the universe remained completely dark for about 550 […]
Want to Quit Smoking? Seek Professional Help
If your New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking, you might want to consider what scientists in England have learned. According to their study published in Addiction, smokers who want to kick the habit are better off seeking the help of a trained advisor, rather than doing it themselves. The researchers found self-help aids such as nicotine […]