Don’t Smoke; Space Blob Mystery; Near Earth Asteroid Watch
Yet Another Reason Not to Smoke The American Heart Association released a new study that uncovers yet another reason not to smoke. The study, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, suggests that smoking can have a wide-ranging and long-term effect on our DNA. The research shows that smoking leaves a “footprint” on the human […]
Ancient Toolmaking Roused Humanity’s Need for Language
A couple of million years ago our ancient human ancestors created the world’s first tools when they broke some rocks into sharp shards so that they could slice apart and butcher game such as gazelles or zebras. These early implements, called Oldowan tools, are the world’s oldest-known cutting devices. The term “Oldowan” is taken from […]
Neanderthals Invented Leather Tool Still Used Today
New evidence shows Neanderthals likely invented a type of hand tool that’s still being today by high-end leather workers. Two international teams of researchers reached that conclusion after discovering remnants of bone tools crafted by ancient man about 50,000 years ago. The tools found at two Paleolithic sites in southwest France were identified as a […]