Science Scanner: Voters Say Pluto is a Planet, Sense of Touch Explored, Promising New Way to Stop Spread of Cancer, High-Tech Bracelet Secures Computers
People Vote to Make Pluto a Planet Again Until 2006, school children were taught – and most people considered the matter settled – that Pluto is one of the nine planets of the solar system. But that year members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) – which is responsible for naming and classifying celestial objects […]
Flies Credited with Giving Zebras Their Stripes
Scientists say flies played a key role in the centuries-old mystery of how zebras came to have their distinguishing coat of black and white stripes. Like humans and other primates whose fingerprints are unique to each individual, every zebra has its own distinctive set of striped markings. The research team from the University of California, […]