Today’s Tech Sightings:
ILO: Millions of SE Asian Jobs May Be Lost to Automation in Next Two Decades
A new study from the International Labor Organization says more than half of workers in five Southeast Asian countries could lose their jobs within the next two decades as a result of automation. The report warns that nearly 137 million salaried workers from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are at high risk, particularly those working in the garments industry. Vietnam’s textile industries have been witnessing record investment particularly in robotics, 3-D printing, wearable devices and nanotechnology.
Inside the World’s Most Advanced Digital Society
No, it’s not the United States. Named by Wired tech magazine, the world’s most advanced digital society is Estonia. The reason for this distinction is that the former Soviet republic has systematically digitized its government and society in recent years and is now creating new things that are only possible within a digitally-native country.
Do You Own Your Own Fingerprints?
The use of biometrics for security is becoming more prevalent as passwords and traditional security systems are compromised by hackers. But who protects your fingerprints and other unique biometric identifiers? There are few laws in the U.S., and perhaps the same is true in other parts of the world as well, to safeguard this information. But there are ongoing efforts in the U.S. to set the legal precedent to protect biometric data
- Microsoft Sets Record by Storing Music Video, Top 100 books Ever Written on DNA Strands
- These Are the Apps Refugees Are Using to Find Their Way in Europe
- After Hiatus, in-the-wild Mac Backdoors are Suddenly Back
- Apple Backdoor Malware Steals the Keys to Your Kingdom
- If You Use Pandora, You Should Probably Change Your Password Right Now
- HummingBad Mucks Up Android’s Works
- The Rise of IoT and Associated Security Risks
- India’s $4 Smartphone Seems Too Good to Be True
- What I Learned Playing Prey to Windows Scammers
- Facebook Launches OpenCellular Platform
- Facebook is Testing an Offline Video Feature in India
- Penalty Shootout Decides RoboCup final – Iran Wins