Darpa’s Robot Hackers; Apple’s Emojis

Posted August 2nd, 2016 at 1:44 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings:

Creative Commons image by user Chs87

Creative Commons image by user Chs87

DARPA Seeks to Create ‘Robot Hackers’

The U.S. government agency that developed the early Internet is now focusing on creating software called “robot hackers.” The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) hopes the robots will be able to spot and fix software vulnerabilities before human hackers are even aware they exist. DARPA is holding what it calls a “Cyber Grand Challenge” conference in Las Vegas later this week in which seven teams will see if their prototype robots can win the $4 million in prize money.

San Francisco Experiments with Bail Setting Algorithm

San Francisco, the city many would say is the tech capital of the world, is exploring the use of algorithms that can set bail for law breakers. The algorithm takes into account a person’s pending charges and how often they appear in court. In response to claims that the city’s bail system favored the rich and educated, the algorithm, which has been tested since May, does not look at educational level or financial status.

Apple Replacing Gun Emoji with Water Gun

Apple is making a big change to its emojis, replacing the gun emoji with a water pistol. In a statement, the company said it was a part of a redesign of several popular emojis. The company declined to comment on whether the move was in response to gun violence. Earlier this year, Apple and Microsoft teamed up to prevent a rifle emoji from being created.


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