Teaching a computer to “think” the way the human brain does means feeding it huge amounts of real-world data so that it can learn, analyze, predict, and solve problems. But in this brave new world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, there are no ethical guidelines, no regulations, and no parameters to govern how […]
AI Ethics Missing as Machine Learning Advances
AI-enabled Smartphones Coming This Year; Using AI to Fight Hackers
Today’s Tech Sightings: Deloitte: 300 Million Smartphones Will Have Machine Learning Ability A new report from Deloitte, a UK-based professional services firm, expects up to 300 million smartphones or a fifth of sold units to be equipped with on-board neural networks and machine learning features this year. China’s Huawei recently announced an Android smartphone with […]
R.I.P Galaxy Note 7; Huawei Gets Serious About AI
Today’s Tech Sightings: Samsung Kills Galaxy Note 7 Over Fire Concerns Samsung on Tuesday killed its flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, weeks after reports started coming in that the phones were exploding or going up in smoke. Even after a global recall of 2.5 million devices, so-called “safe” replacement smartphones also ran into trouble. The […]
US to Cede Internet DNS Control; Window’s 10’s Data Mining Dilemma
Today’s Tech Sightings: US: We’re Now Ready to Give Up Governing the Internet The U.S. National Telecommunications & Information Administration says it is now ready to pass internet domain name (DNS) control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a California-based nonprofit organization. The move marks the end of a 20-year U.S. […]
Few Countries Reap Tech Benefits; Robots Define Health Care Future
Today’s Tech Sightings: Report: 7 Countries Benefit Most From Technology Innovation You’d think technology is giving developing countries a boost, but it turns out seven countries are getting the most economic and digital return for technological innovation. Those are the United States, Singapore, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Israel, according to a new survey […]
Artificial Intelligence Learns to Improve Lip Reading Accuracy
Accurate lip reading is notoriously hard under ordinary circumstances and gets harder and less reliable in noisy conditions. But one team of researchers is putting artificial intelligence and machine learning to work to improve accuracy in the hope that it will one day benefit forensic experts and the hearing-impaired. Ordinary people lip read all the […]