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Spy Hacking Group Targets Asia; Elderly Find Refuge in Technology

Posted May 5th, 2016 at 11:08 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Spy Hacking Group Targeting Asian Governments Spotted Microsoft’s latest Security Intelligence Report says hackers have been spying on Asian governments since 2009. Dubbed PLATINUM, this particular hacking group has carried out a number of cyber espionage campaigns against government and private targets in Asia, according to Tim Rains, security editor of the […]

It’s Elementary. The Problem With Artificial Intelligence Agents

Posted April 29th, 2016 at 11:55 am (UTC-4)
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The rapid advance of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could change the landscape in health, education and social interaction. But it is also a cause for concern in the absence of safety regulations or a code of ethics to govern the use of humanoids. They are already on the job – AI helpers in factories, hotels, […]

Cisco: 12 Million PCs Have Backdoors; IoT’s Privacy Dilemma

Posted April 28th, 2016 at 12:38 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Cisco Finds Backdoor Installed on 12 Million PCs Researchers working with U.S. technology firm Cisco have discovered software that installed backdoors on 12 million computers around the world. The software, found by Cisco’s Talos security intelligence and research group, was developed by a French online advertising firm called Tuto4PC that has been under […]

Autism Groups Look to Tech for Help; China Unveils Zapping Robocop

Posted April 27th, 2016 at 11:16 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Autism Advocates Look to Tech but Cash Is Tight Technology could hold the key to help individuals with the autism spectrum disorder, but autism advocates lack the funds to pursue this avenue. Parents and advocates hope apps, robots and wearable devices can open up the world to autistic children and help them […]

The Question of Robot Safety; Banking Trojan GozNym Eyes Europe

Posted April 26th, 2016 at 11:41 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Robots May Be Able to Lift, Drive, Chat, but Are They Safe? Robots are slowly taking up support roles to care for the elderly, chat with children, or navigate a driverless car, to name a few functions. But so far, many questions surrounding the safety of these assistants remain unanswered. Massachusetts Institute […]

Robot Joins Search for Loch Ness Monster; Facebook’s Bots Are Coming

Posted April 13th, 2016 at 12:57 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Robot Finds ‘Monster’ Film Prop In Loch Ness Munin, an underwater robot, has been making an in-depth exploration of Scotland’s famous Loch Ness. Scientists undertook the mission to investigate an underwater trench said to house the nest of the fabled Loch Ness monster. So far, it has managed to find some film […]

Microsoft’s AI Learns Racism From Humans; New Trojan Targets USBs

Posted March 24th, 2016 at 11:32 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Microsoft’s Tay AI Chatbot Goes Offline After Being Taught to Be Racist Which is more dangerous: human or machine?  Microsoft launched its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot Wednesday, targeting people 18-24-years old, only to withdraw it 16 hours later. After many hours of chatting, it appears Internet users managed to teach Tay to […]

India’s Biometrics Raise Privacy Fears; Malware Slams Major Media Websites

Posted March 16th, 2016 at 12:32 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: India’s Billion-member Biometric Database Raises Privacy Fears Biometrics might prove to be one solution to cybersecurity intrusions, but it is a cause for concern, particularly in India. Citing national security interests, the country’s parliament is getting ready to pass a bill that would give government agencies access to the world’s largest biometrics […]

Google AI Wins Second Go Match; Future Hacks Could Cause Injuries

Posted March 10th, 2016 at 11:57 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Google’s AI Wins Pivotal Second Game in Match With Go Grandmaster AlphaGo, Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) program, won a second round in the ancient Chinese board game Go against grandmaster Lee Sedol. No machine has ever beaten humans at Go, a complex strategy game where players vie for more ground. AlphaGo needs […]

Hack-proofing Connected Cars; Cities of the Future

Posted March 1st, 2016 at 12:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Three Years Until Connected Cars Are Cyberattack-proof? The world is becoming increasingly more connected with the proliferation of Internet of Things Devices and connected cars and appliances. That might be a boon for people seeking convenience, but it also opens all kinds of doors to hackers and cyber criminals only too eager […]