Russia´s greatest cyber advantage is its wealth of the most important cyber asset: skilled and well-educated people. The government recruits and harnesses individuals with innovation and aplomb — for example, allowing its intelligence services to offer employment to hackers convicted of cyber crimes in lieu of prison.
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The West Must Respond to Russia’s Increasing Cyber Aggression
Posted June 15th, 2016 at 4:03 pm (UTC-4)
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China Crosses Obama’s Cyber ‘Red Line’
Posted July 1st, 2015 at 10:11 am (UTC-4)
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Remember how President Obama failed to enforce his “red line” in Syria? Well, it’s happening again — this time in cyberspace.
The United States Needs to Hold Russia Accountable for Its Aggression
[W]e need to send a resolute message that Russia’s domestic tyranny and international belligerence have consequences. And we must make abundantly clear that there is a cost to attacking the United States, whether accomplished by a MiG or a mouse.