Obama needs to make clear to Duterte that he will pay an international price for trashing the rule of law and that his unlawful “crime control” campaign puts at risk the $50 million in military aid currently allocated to the Philippines for 2017.
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Oxycontin: How Purdue Pharma Helped Spark the Opioid Epidemic
Posted April 22nd, 2016 at 12:27 pm (UTC-4)
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In the first decade of this century, the overdose death rate increased nearly four times, with admissions to addiction treatment programs up six times over the same time period. Prescription opioids now kill more Americans every year than illegal ones.
Decriminalize Drug Use, Seek Public-Health Options
Ultimately, addiction policies should be decriminalized and replaced by civil interventions focused on treatment. A pragmatic first step toward reaching this goal would be to treat drug possession as a misdemeanor instead of a felony.