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GOP Chaos: The New Normal?

Posted October 9th, 2015 at 1:07 pm (UTC-4)
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Turmoil in the Republican Party erupted again this week with the sudden withdrawal of Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner, who has barely concealed his exhaustion over the dramas of governing the unruly caucus. House Republicans quickly regrouped to try to fill the gap, but it appears few are willing to step up to the plate. The optics look bad – but not to Tea Party conservatives, who may feel emboldened in their mission to shake up business as usual in Washington.

Chaos Is the GOP’s New Normal

Posted October 9th, 2015 at 8:37 am (UTC-4)
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The insurrection that propelled billionaire Donald Trump into the lead for the GOP nomination and ultimately made House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) surrender his gavel in frustration rages on unabated. This was no mere summer skirmish. If anything, the rebellion is gaining strength.

“‘I Want It Now’ Politics Are Not the American Way

Posted September 30th, 2015 at 11:29 am (UTC-4)
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Governing, as George W. Bush once reminded us, is “hard work.” It was meant to be. It requires building coalitions, securing public support, and making deals with people you don’t agree with or even like. It often means settling for half a loaf.

The Blackmail Caucus, a.k.a. the Republican Party

Posted September 28th, 2015 at 8:45 am (UTC-4)
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The Boehner era has been one in which Republicans have accepted no responsibility for helping to govern the country, in which they have opposed anything and everything the president proposes.

John Boehner’s Resignation Won’t Save Republicans from Themselves

Posted September 25th, 2015 at 3:37 pm (UTC-4)
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By stepping down, but not for a month, Boehner has freed himself from the poisonous intraparty politics that made it all but impossible for him to govern, and left himself a brief opening in which to settle some accounts, before the next speaker is elected.

After Boehner

Posted September 25th, 2015 at 3:27 pm (UTC-4)
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Boehner has conservative views on most issues and sought to advance those views as best he could. But he has allowed a destructive dynamic to take hold among Republicans in which realism is forever pitted against vision.