“Their barbarism only stiffens our unity and determination to wipe this vile terrorist organization off the face of the Earth,” President Barack Obama
“VOA will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussion and opinion on these policies.” — VOA Charter
Obama: ‘ISIL Is on the Defensive’ in Syria & Iraq
It is Time for Muslims to Begin a Deep Self-examination
[Ghassan] Charbel called for shutting down platforms of hate and said the Middle East needs to undertake “a deep re-examination” of its society. … ‘What threatens the Arab and Islamic world today,” he said, “is no less dangerous than the threat that Nazism posed to Europe.’
The Left’s Witch Hunt Against Muslims
Hope Not Hate, a supposedly “anti-fascist” group in Britain, has just compiled a list of people it deems “anti-Muslim”—including devout Muslims.
Presidential Candidates Proposing to Ban Muslim Immigration to the United States
I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.
America’s Angst Over Islam
As we learn more details about the Muslim couple who carried out last week’s terror attack in San Bernardino, California, a tortured debate has erupted. Fear has unleashed unvarnished and sometimes ugly and inaccurate statements about Muslim-Americans. Emotions roiled further when Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until we figure out what is going on.” The response has been overwhelmingly negative. Bloggers took to their computers and social media to condemn “Islamaphobia.” Between the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, a passionate debate has exploded. Islam itself seems to have become yet another casualty of terrorism.
A Compassionate and Cautious Approach to Refugees
While we should offer hospitality for the sojourner, as Scripture enjoins us, our generosity must be leavened with realism and common sense. In today’s world that means there can be no open door to the world’s problems, including refugees fleeing Syria.
Terrorists and the Refugee Battleground
In the battle for hearts and minds, branding refugees as security threats – as politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are doing – only fuels intolerance and gives terrorists a potent recruitment tool to convince young Muslims that the West has no place for them.
Voices of Moderation Struggle to Drown Out Extremism
The terror attacks in Paris have sparked yet more tortured debate about Islam – both inside and outside Muslim communities. Very few dispute the notion that the vast majority of Muslims do not subscribe to the ultra-fundamentalist beliefs —and violence — of the Islamic State. But the voices of moderation are often unheard, creating a deep frustration among Muslims. Attacks on the scale of Paris strike fear in everyone. And it begs the question: Who owns Islam?
A Great Time to Be an American
If you pay attention to the news, you may find it hard to work up much of a holiday spirit … ISIS, our massive national debt, political gridlock, the ongoing presidential campaign; it may seem as if there’s little to be thankful for. But beyond the headlines, most things are actually looking pretty bright …
Civil Society Against Terrorism
The French are now frustrated and anxious. They are used to some semblance of security in their cities, which have long been bastions of knowledge and art, not sites of relentless terror. They want to feel safe again – whatever it takes. These feelings are entirely understandable, but they don’t necessarily contribute to effective decision-making.