Recent posts by Dora Mekouar:
Here’s a List of America’s Richest & Poorest Presidents
No one knows for sure how much Donald Trump is worth, but if the New York businessman ends up winning the 2016 president election, we do know he’d be the country’s richest president ever. Trump is believed to have inherited $40 million when his father died in 1974. Bloomberg News estimates the GOP candidate is […]
Newspaper Ads Show Freed Slaves’ Desperate Search for Lost Relatives
After emancipation, some African American families that were torn apart by slavery turned to newspaper ads in hopes of finding lost loved ones. These “information wanted” advertisements primarily appeared in black-oriented newspapers, which sprang up after the end of the U.S. Civil War. A series of “Lost Friends” ads that appeared in a New Orleans […]
What Most Prestigious US Jobs Have in Common…and It’s Not Money
The vast majority of American parents — 9-in-10 — would happily encourage their children to become a doctor, an occupation 90 percent of Americans see as prestigious. A new survey finds that doctors top the list of Most Prestigious occupations. Other professions that are held in high esteem include scientists, firefighters and military officers. The types of […]
American Majority Disagrees With Trump on Immigrants
Uncontrolled immigration will put more girls in the United States at risk of female genital mutilation, according to the latest anti-immigrant comments from the camp of presidential candidate Donald Trump. The comments were made by senior aide Stephen Miller. On the campaign trail, the Republican candidate himself has said Mexican immigrants could be rapists or […]
More People Moving to This US City and State Than Anywhere Else
More people moved to Houston,Texas, between July 1, 2014, to July 1, 2015, than any other metropolitan area in the nation. In addition, new data released by the U.S. Census Bureau shows five Texas metro areas — Midland, Odessa, Austin, College Station-Bryan and Houston — are among the 20 fastest-growing areas in the country. In all, the Lone […]
Illegal US Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes, But Is It Enough?
Spurred by Republican Donald Trump’s controversial comments, immigration is a hot-button issue this presidential election season. The GOP front-runner repeatedly brings the issue up, saying that undocumented immigrants cost the United States “hundreds of billions in healthcare costs, housing costs, education costs, welfare costs, etc.” A 2010 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a […]
Which US States Have Produced the Most Presidents?
Virginia and Ohio top the list when it comes to the number of U.S. presidents each state has produced. Virginia has produced eight presidents, including some of the nation’s earliest leaders such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe. The seven presidents who hailed from Ohio include Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. […]
Americans No Longer One Nation Under God?
American students begin their day with a patriotic pledge vowing allegiance to “one nation, under God”, while U.S. presidents and politicians regularly end speeches with the words, “May God bless America”. Indeed, since our nation’s founding by pilgrims escaping religious persecution, and seeking the freedom to freely practice their religion, faith has played an integral […]
Innovation Leader US Could Soon Lose Its Edge
The United States leads the world in innovation but could soon lose its competitive edge. A Washington, D.C.-based think tank ranked the U.S. 10th when it comes to government policies in support of global innovation, behind countries like Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. “We’ve kind of enjoyed this huge lead since basically the end of […]