No Wonder This Is America’s Healthiest State
For the fourth year in a row, Hawaii ranks as the healthiest state in the country, according to a new report. “Somehow, in Hawaii, individuals are certainly more prepared and prone to enhance their health,” said Dr. Reed Tuckson, a senior medical adviser to United Health Foundation, which produced the report. “They have a favorable environment […]
More Americans Move to This State Than Anywhere Else
Florida is the state more Americans are moving to than anywhere else. The sunshine state, located at the southeastern tip of the United States, draws sizable numbers of retirees attracted by its balmy weather and low cost of living, but that’s not what’s drawing the largest group of movers — young people in their twenties […]
5 Things Stressing Americans Out Most Right Now
Money causes the most stress for Americans, followed by self-pressure and lack of sleep. Health and job pressures round out the top five, according to GfK, a market and consumer information company. Thirty-five percent of Americans say money worries them the most, with finances being a bigger concern for women (42 percent) than for men […]
Are Arab Americans White? Maybe Not, according to US Census
For 71 years, the United States has classified Americans of Middle Eastern and North African ancestry as “white”, but the federal government is now considering a plan to give this group of Americans its own classification on the next U.S. census. It’s a move Arab American civil rights groups have spent decades advocating for because, […]
Asians On Pace to Become America’s Largest Immigrant Group
A new map shows where America’s newest citizens are coming from and illustrates how Asians are on pace to become the largest immigrant group in the United States. Of the nearly 800,000 people who became American citizens between September 30, 2012 and September 30, 2013, more than one-third came from Asia. 779,929 NATURALIZED US CITIZENS […]
Native Americans Fight to Save Language That Helped Win WWII
During World War II, the U.S. military recruited Native American Navajo speakers and, together, they developed a code to send secret information past Japanese and German code-breakers. The code was never broken. Richard Epstein, a linguist and professor at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey, credits the Navajo language’s complex structure for it being such a […]
From Ireland to Mexico, Maps Show Changing Face of US Immigrants
From Ireland and Germany to Italy and Mexico, a new series of maps illustrates changing trends in immigration to the United States from 1850 until 2013. The Pew Research Center graphics show the dominant immigrant groups in each state for every decade during that period. The country’s first great wave of immigrants arrived from Ireland and […]
Americans Invent Some Pretty Creepy Stuff
Americans invent some pretty creepy stuff and, every Halloween, the US Patent and Trademark Office looks through its archives, digging up some of the strangest, scariest and, often unsettling, inventions to come through the agency. Americans celebrate Halloween every Oct. 31. Even though it’s a fun event that’s more about dressing up in costumes and going out […]
Most Americans Think Science, Religion Conflict
A majority of Americans, 59 percent, believe science often conflicts with religion, while 38 percent say the two areas are mostly compatible The most religious Americans are less likely to believe that religion and science conflict with each other, a new Pew Research poll finds. People with no particular religious affiliation, or who are not religiously […]
US Melting Pot Influences Best Foods to Eat in Each State
From fried green tomatoes in Alabama to cheese curds in Wisconsin, the US melting pot influences a list of the best foods to eat in each U.S. state. Drawing on recommendations from locals, Business Insider came up with the list, which also includes foods that can’t be found elsewhere in the country. Here’s a sampling. CaliforniaThe top […]